
Leading Manufacturers and Wholesaler of Gaza Fungicide, Azoland Fungicide, Hexaland Systemic Fungicide, Metamax Systemic and Contact Fungicide, Netanya Systemic Fungicide, Rahat Fungicide, Sefon Systemic Fungicide, Sidon Systemic Fungicide, Sulphland Contact Fungicide and Tiberius Systemic Fungicide from Rajkot.

Business Type Manufacturer, Supplier
Brand Name Israel Pesticide Land
Application Agriculture
Type Fungicide
State Liquid
Country of Origin India
Technical Name Picoxystrobin 22.5% SC
Packing Size 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1l, 200l/drum or as Required
Crops Cumins, Cotton, Sugarcane, Groundnut
Dosage 15-20 ml in 15 liter water

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It is used for control of a broad spectrum of fungal diseases, including brown rust, tan spot, powdery mildew, and net blotch in in numerous crops, such as fruits, vegetables and oilseeds.


Mode of Action

A fungicide belonging to the strobilurin group of chemicals. It is a preventative and curative fungicide with systemic and translaminar movement, acting by inhibition of mitochondrial respiration by blocking electron transfer at the Qo centre of cytochrome Bc1.



1. Shows good crop safety, disease control and maintenance of green leaf area which result in significant yield benefits.

2. Provides long-lasting, broad-spectrum control of crop diseases

3. It has systemic, translaminar and preventative properties and is vapour active.


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1,350.00 / Litre

20 Litre (MOQ)

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Business Type Manufacturer, Supplier
Brand Name Israel Pesticide Land
Application Agriculture
State Liquid
Country of Origin India
Technical Name Azoxystrobin 23% SC
Applicable Crops Grapes, Chilli, Tomato, Potato,Cucumber, Cumin, Mango and Pomegranate
Dosage Grapes, Chilli, Tomato, Potato,Cucumber, Cumin- 200 Ml/acre, Mango and Pomegranate- 1ml/lit Water
Compatibility Compatible with Commonly Used Insecticides
Frequency of Application Depends On Severity of Disease
Packing Size 1 Ltr

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  • Increases the flower holding capacity of the plants 
  • Effectively kills broad spectrum of disease on a wide range of crop
  • Makes the leaves greener and healthier
  • Helps the plant to fight better against the abiotic stress and better utilization of the nutrients provided

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160.00 / Litre

20 Litre (MOQ)

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Business Type Manufacturer, Supplier
Brand Name Israel Pesticide Land
Techincal Name : Hexaconazole 5% SC
Form Liquid
Packaging Size 1 Litre
Packaging Type Bottle
Grade Standard Bio Tech Grade
Purity 100%
Quality Superior

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Hexaconazole 5% SC HEXALAND is an effective unique systemic triazole fungicide for Plants , Gives excellent control of fungus acting as protective , curative and eradicant with strong antisporulant and translaminar action.


HEXALAND Control a wide range of Crop Groundnut, Chilli, Cotton, field, Paddy, Mango, Grapes cereals , oil seeds , horticultural and plantation crops.


HEXALAND controls scab in apple , tikka leaf spot in groundnut , powdery mildew in mango and blast , sheath blight in rice / Paddy etc.It is Safe to environment & user fungicide with low toxicity to mammals, fish, birds and natural enemies.


HEXALAND has Water based formulation & Good leaf surface coverage. It is recommended and Safe for Domestic Uses like Home Garden , Terrace Kitchen Garden Nursery Horticulture ; Indoor Plants and also for Large Applications.



Dosage: For Domestic Use take 3 ml of Hexaconazole per 1 Litre of Water. For Large Applications 250 to 450 ml. per Acre is recommended via Foliar Spray


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Business Type Manufacturer, Supplier
Brand Name Israel Pesticide Land
Application Agriculture
Dose 500gm per Acre
Packaging Type Plastic Packet
Packaging Size 500gm ,1 kg
Target Pest Loose Smut, Flag Smut, Krnal Bunt, Common Bunt, Stem & Root Blotch
Crops Sugarcane,Arhar, Groundnut, Soybean
Technical Name Carboxin 37.5% + Thiram 37.5% WS

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META MAX is a broad spectrum, dual action (systemic and contact) fungicide which controls seed and soil borne diseases, and also acts as plant growth stimulant. World wide, it is a specialized seed treatment fungicide for effective control and prevention of disease present externally and within the seeds, with increased level of disease control.



Features and Benefits :

  • It encourages early emergence and uniform growth of seedlings, gives higher yield through the impact of combined action of carboxin and thiram on effective disease control and germination stimulation.
  • Under adverse weather conditions also it stimulates germination & the treated seeds can be stored for months together without loss of germination.



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1,150.00 / Litre

20 Litre (MOQ)

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Business Type Manufacturer, Supplier
Brand Name Israel Pesticide Land
Techincal Name : Propiconazol 13.9 % + Difenoconazol 13.9 % EC
Dosage 0.75 to 1 Ml/liter Water Detailed Instructions are Given Along with a Leaflet with the Product
Packaging Size 1 Ltr
Packaging Type Plastic Bottle
Form Liquid
Grade Standard Bio Tech Grade

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NETANYA Propiconazole 13.9% + Difenoconazole 13.9% EC is a Fungicide recommended for the control of Sheath Blight and Dirty Panicle Disease in Paddy.

It is recommended for the control of Sheath blight and dirty panicle diseases in rice crops. Its ability to fight disease leads to better disease management and healthy flag leaf hence giving better yield. NETANYA gives healthy & productive tillers, setting maximum yield potential.


Its work on pest Sheath Blight and Dirty Panicle Disease in Paddy. Propiconazole Stops the development of fungi by interfering with the biosynthesis of sterols in cell membranes. Difenoconazole is a sterol demethylation inhibitor that prevents the development of the fungus by inhibiting cell membrane ergosterol biosynthesis.


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800.00 / Kilogram

20 Kilogram (MOQ)

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Business Type Manufacturer, Supplier
Brand Name Israel Pesticide Land
State Powder
Country of Origin India
Dose 250 Gm Per Acre
Technical Name Captan 70% + Hexaconazole 5% WP)
Crops Sugarcane, Tomato, Onion, Rice, Potato
Packaging Type Plastic Packet
Packaging Size 1 Kg
Quality Superior

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  • It is a contact fungicide
  • It interferes at different locations in the metabolism of the fungi.
  • It prevents spore germination and germ tube formation
  • It remains on the treated plant surface. It has very good adhesive property and rain fastness
  • It suspension stays stable without settling down for longtime 



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550.00 / Litre

20 Litre (MOQ)

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Business Type Manufacturer, Supplier
Brand Name Israel Pesticide Land
Techincal Name : Hexaconazole 4 % + Carbendazim 16 % SC
Dosage 400 Ml per Acre in 150-200 Ltr Water
Form Liquid
Packaging Size 1 Litre
Grade Standard Bio Tech Grade
Application Agriculture

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SEFON is a highly effective fungicide with protective & curative action.

It controls a wide range of diseases in many crops.

SEFON is quickly absorbed and translocated within the plant system resulting in effective disease control. Sofia provides a Phyto-tonic effect and enhances the quality of the product resulting in a bountiful yield. SEFON provides long-duration disease control. Sofia is environmentally friendly.

CROP: Rice and other crops (Wheat, Tur, Peas, Groundnut, Coffee, Tea, Chilly, Tomato, Apple, Mango, Grapes)




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950.00 / Litre

20 Litre (MOQ)

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Business Type Manufacturer, Supplier
Brand Name Israel Pesticide Land
Techincal Name Azoxystrobin 11 % + Tebuconazole 18 % SC
Crop Sugarcane, Tomato, cotton, Groundnut
Dose 15-20 Ml per 15 Litre Water
Form Liquid
Packaging Size 1 Litre
Packaging Type Plastic Bottle
Grade Standard Bio Tech Grade
Application Agriculture

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  • It is a patented and unique fungicide
  • It is a broad spectrum fungicide
  • It has both contact and systemic mode of action
  • It is a very good preventive and curative properties which provides flexibility and broad window of application No risk of resistance because of multisite mode of action so helpful in resistance management
  • It impacts positively on the physiological activity of the applied crop by improving the yield and quality of the produce, thus fetching better price



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70.00 / Kilogram

20 Kilogram (MOQ)

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Business Type Manufacturer, Supplier
Brand Name Israel Pesticide Land
Application Agriculture
Packaging Type Plastic Packet
Packaging Size 1 Kg
Country of Origin India
State Powder
Crop Cotton, Groundnut, Tomato, Brinjal, Potato
Dose 1.5 Kg to 2 Kg per Acre
Technical Name: Sulphur 80% WDG

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SULPHLAND is non-systemic protective fungicide with contact and vapour action. It possesses secondary acaricidal activity


Features and Benefits

  • It is a multi-site, contact inorganic fungicide with secondary acaricidal activity.
  • It has triple action as fungicide, micronutrient (Sulphur) and miticide.
  • It is a dust free, flowable micronized sulphur granules, easy to measure and handle.
  • It has sustained action for longer effect and provides better crop stand.
  • It helps in maintaining the appropriate ph of the soil, thereby better uptake of other nutrients.
  • SULPHLAND controls metabolic & growth processes within plant cells and promotes nodulation in the legumes, thereby helps in nitrogen fixation.




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Business Type Manufacturer, Supplier
Brand Name Israel Pesticide Land
Techincal Name Tebuconazole 10% + Sulfur 65% WG
Form Liquid
Packaging Size 1 Litre
Packaging Type Plastic Bottle
Grade Standard Bio Tech Grade
Application Agriculture

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TIBERIUS Contains Tebuconazole 10 % + Sulphur 65 % WG is a modern quick action fungicide with protective, creative and eradicative action.


TIBERIUSis widely used for the control of powdery mildew , fruit rot diseases of Chilli and leaf spot , pod blight disease of Soyabean Widely used in Crops like Cucurbits Corn Dry Bean Garlic Grape Hops Mango Mustard Peach Pear Oats Okra Onion Pea Rice Soybean Tomato Sugarcane Sugar – beet Tea Tree Nut Wheat Rose etc


TIBERIUS fungicide is an efficient and cost effective solution for Controlling fungal diseases and application results in a phytotonic effect in crops which leads to better yield and quality of the produce.It controls the problem of fungal disease , root rot , scorching and fruit rot and brings greenery in the crop


TIBERIUS is a Triple Action Fungicide with Contact , Systemic & Vapor Action. Recommended for Agricultural Use Home Garden Terrace Kitchen Garden, Nursery etc.



Dosage: For Domestic Use take 5 Gram of Tebusul per 1 Liter of Water. For Large Applications 500 grams per Acre – Foliar Spray is recommended


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